
Welcome to Free PowerPoint© Presentations --
       Your doorway to more professional spreadsheets.


Most of the time invested in the development of a new presentation is in its design:   the layout, the background and the formatting.  BCA is developing a new PowerPoint application to be released in March of 2006. 

PPT:Builder will do just what the name says -- build your presentation.  You can create a repository of pages, specific to a variety of products or services, as well as general pages about your company, business, its employees and so forth. Each page will be categorized and placed in the database.  Then, when you need to build a special presentation geared for a specific customer or audience, just pull from the database the pages you need in the their proper order, apply a new template if needed, and your new presentation is created for you in just a matter of minutes.

A full year of updates and on-line support is included with your purchase!!

Check back with us for further details and ordering information.

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of the Microsoft Corporation.

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